The short film “Living churches – living souls”. (the director: Dylevskiy A.E., production of videostudio “Seyatel)
The film is about the first and the most important steps of Tver young people from the orthodox youth club “Seyatel” to the revival of the church in Prechistiy Bor which was destroyed during the Soviet time.
The film consists of fragments made from the 31st of May when the club officially declared the intention to take part in the church restoring, until the 26thof December when the cross was installed on the church. During this period the club work was aimed at attracting people’s attention to the unique place – Prechisiy Bor, that is historically connected to the history of Tver princedom ( forming the famous Otroch monastery) and much later – the destiny of the saint martyr Faddey (Uspensky), to the problem of the revival village churches in general, attracting local citizens’ attention to the “ruins” which have the name and the history and. As we hope, the future. The most important work of 2009 was building a temporary roof over the dome that could fall at any moment. This film will be the beginning of great videostory about how difficult it is for Tver young people to save lost and forgotten village churches. The film is made with the help of unprofessional equipment. The film lasts 14 minutes 43 seconds.(Download the film about the church of Virgin’s Nativity in Prechistiy Bor) Good news! The film “Living churches – living souls” was given a diploma in the nomination for high moral level and the happiness of spiritual creation in the 6th international youth festival of videofilms “Slavonic youth: hopes and expectations” Also, The film “Living churches – living souls” took the first place in the nomination “Documentary film” in the 1st open festival of cinema, advertising and video-art “Shots” in the region cinema festival “Debut”. The results were announced on the 24th of June. Read here for the details. The film about Prechistiy Bor is awarded in the international festival