How to help?

You can get in touch with us any way. Call or write an e-mail to father Maxim or our coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for repair, load delivery, site work and all incoming information. In our team there are people who are in charge with various types of activities about Prechisty Bor, the coordinator’s task is to give out duties. The coordinator helps the priest so they are always in touch and you can call any telephone number in any time ( well, not at night please).

If your questions concern services, needs ( baptizing, wedding, consecration, a burial service) and sacrificing, call father Maxim.

If you want to take part in the church repair and revival of the parish life, we’ll be very glad to accept your help. We’re in a difficult situation, that’s why any support is precious for us.

We ask for your prays. Every evening at 11 p.m. we read a pray in agreement. Join us.

If you can help with the material or give professional help in the repair, look up the estimate made up by “Tverrestavratsiya” for us.

  • For the repair of the breakdown western arch and the building corners we need red bricks, cement and limeas well as planks and squared timber ( look up the estimate for details)
  • Scaffolding is very expensive nowadays. If you have such an opportunity, give us dismountable scaffolding
  • From time to time we need loading and unloading transport. We’ll be grateful even for discounts.

Now we are in active search for the information concerning Prechisty Bor history for its further publishing. If you have any interesting data about Prechisty Bor or surrounding villages (the church, people, peasantry, handicraft industry, collective farm, war and so on) , any photos, things connected with it, if you know people who can tell something, please tell our researchers. It’s very important as in this world much is lost forever. We guarantee honest and anonymous (if required) use of the information, its return and copyright.

  • If you want to offer your physical help, leave your whereabouts in the guest book. Or contact us by the telephones below.
  • If you or your friends have shops we ask to help to install sacrifice boxes for the church restoration and hanging informational posters.
  • If you want to deposit money we’ll be very grateful to you.

Реквизиты для пожертвований:
Местная религиозная организация православный приход в честь иконы Божией Матери «Неувядаемый Цвет» д. Черногубово Калининского района Тверской и Кашинской Епархии Русской Православной Церкви Московский Патриархат
Juridical addres: 170515 Тверская область, Калининский район, д. Черногубово, д. 49
Post address: 170515 Тверская область, Калининский район, д. Черногубово, д. 49
ИНН: 7750003990 КПП: 775001001

Pay account: 40703810000510816900 в ЗАО МКБ "Москомприватбанк" г. Москва
Кор/ счет: 30101810400000000342 БИК 044585342 с пометкой: для восстановления храма Рождества Богородицы в селе Красный бор

The previous pay account of “Tver unity of orthodox people” is also valid.

To fill in the form automaticall

8-920-175-07-72 - священник Максим Сивцов.
8-920-174-24-58 - координатор Александр Дылевский (эл. адрес: )

It’s very difficult to say exactly what we need for the work. It seems there isn’t a single thing that is not necessary for the church. If you can pray with us, give us mental support – it’ll be great help. We are in a difficult situation but we believe in success.

God save you!


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